Blog How to Build a Brand with Personality A brand is worthless if it doesn't connect with the right audiences in a relevant… Linda Lopeke Love0
Blog What is Branding? Simplicity is where the power of your brand resides. Are you just starting out with… Linda Lopeke Love0
Blog Personal Branding Tips for Introverts Brand yourself properly and the competition becomes irrelevant. I think personal branding tips for introverts… Linda Lopeke Love0
Blog 7 Essentials for Branding a Blog Your brand is the single-most important investment you can make in your business. ~Steve Forbes… Linda Lopeke Love0
Blog Focus on Your Why, Not Your What Brands are created in hearts and minds, not companies. Every execution and delivery decision you… Linda Lopeke Love0
Blog The Psychology of Logo Designs: More Than Meets the Eye Design is thinking made visual. ~Saul Bass Your logo communicates the promise of your brand… Linda Lopeke Love0
Blog How to Uncover Your Brand Personality in 10 Minutes or Less Be so good they can't ignore you. ~Steve Martin Big Brand System, created by Pamela… Linda Lopeke Love0
Blog 4 Storytelling Essentials for Your Marketing Message from a Professional Storyteller Your brand is a story that is always being told. These timeless techniques really work.… Linda Lopeke Love0
Blog How to Create a Visual Style Guide for Your Brand Design is where science and art meet to speak your message. Brands are formed in… Linda Lopeke Love0
Blog Before & After Brand Transformations Get into the habit of noticing and studying brand logos. Your brand becomes the architect… Linda Lopeke Love0
Blog RAISING THE BAR: The Greatest Story Never Sold – Part 2 You are your brand. Make sure it speaks well of you. The importance of building… Linda Lopeke Love0
Blog RAISING THE BAR: The Greatest Story Never Sold – Part 1 There is no greater fraud than a promise not kept. The accident happened a long… Linda Lopeke Love0