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The formula for business success isn’t what you think. Because the fastest way to succeed in business isn’t to outperform your competition. Rather, it’s to excel at 4 primary and 2 (of 4) secondary practices.

Primary Practices

First, you need to master these 4 primary practices:

  • STRATEGY: Design your business strategy based on your talents, strengths, passions and interests.
  • IMPLEMENTATION: Focus your greatest effort on highest value/highest return actions. Drop low-end tasks. Simplify. Streamline everything you do. Remove friction points. And the unnecessary. Efficiency rules!
  • ACCOUNTABILITY: Hold high performance expectations. Reward yourself for meeting targets. Withhold rewards when you miss them. Know your core values and uphold them.
  • PREDICTABILITY: Be dependable. Consistent. Congruent. Chase excellence, not perfection. Or fame and money.

Secondary Practices

To those, add any 2 of these 4 practices based on what’s easiest for you to master. Then, focus on building your reputation and recognition in those areas:

  • TALENT: Invest in training and development. Try new things that stretch and test your abilities. Get out of your comfort zone.
  • INITIATIVE/LEADERSHIP: Don’t wait for things to come to you. Reach out and connect with people at all levels. Build your reputation by earning recognition as a leading expert in your industry or area of expertise.
  • INNOVATION: Find new ways of doing things. Ignore the naysayers. Push your creativity past its limits.
  • INFLUENCE: Grow and make use of personal and professional networks that complement your strengths and build support for your ideas.

This proven 4+2 success formula is a fast path to a stronger business. It’s how you get the results you want, but don’t have and change the results you have, but don’t want!

But it only works when you do.

And, this is just one of many ways you learn to drive your business success in SMARTSTART! We’re the Juilliard school for business owners pursuing independence through entrepreneurship.

Is that you? If so, learn more, see our typical results, and apply here.