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Innovation is how you attract your next generation of customers.

Why were the Beatles so wildly successful? Because they never did the same thing once.

It’s true not all their musical ideas were universally or enthusiastically accepted by fans. It’s also true they had a long-lasting influence on the music scene. No one would argue they lacked innovation.

When it comes to your products, services, communications, and teleseminars/webinars it’s so easy to churn out the same old, same old. But while you are doing things the same way everybody else is, it becomes harder and harder to get people to respond to your offerings. To get their attention in an overcrowded playground you must continually innovate.

How do you know you are being innovative? It’ll scare the hell out of you and people will probably tell you you’re crazy and beg you to reconsider. But you should try out new ideas anyway. That’s what testing is for.

Study how your competitors are doing things. What can you do differently to be anything but boring? How radical do you dare go artistically? Where will you look for inspiration to create a standout signature for your brand?

Don’t be afraid to innovate. There is tremendous value in being first to do something. And best of all? You can keep innovating until you find your sweetspot!