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Build the muscle of believing in yourself by sharing your work with others!

Although I’ve been laid up for most of the last two weeks, I was able to get a head start on creating the 2015 Social Media Planning Calendar so the workbook could be released in September rather than October. It’s ready to download now so you can start planning how to put your best work out into the world next year.

For those of you who’ve used past versions of the calendar, remember it is a very large and comprehensive Excel workbook.

For those of you using this SMARTSTART tool for the first time, you might also benefit from first reading:

How to Build Your Editorial Calendar

A Social Media Daily Checklist

How to Grow Your Business Using Content Marketing

More next time. Until then, remember to LOVE YOUR WORK, whatever it may be.

PS I hope you’ll find the new RAISING THE BAR series inspiring. If so, please share this post with friends and followers. You never know what burdens others are carrying or how much their load might be made lighter by doing so. ♥♥♥


Raising The Bar is a new series for the SMARTSTART community that has been taking shape in my head for most of the time I’ve spent working to recover from catastrophic brain, spinal cord and psychological injuries resulting from a near fatal accident in 2009. Success, whether it’s in rehab, business, relationships, or life, hinges on our ability to master this simple formula: Belief (B) + Attitude (A) = Response (R).

I’m excited to be sharing it with you now as a next step in my injury recovery. Consider this your invitation to join me on a grand adventure. Oh, the places we will go! Including all the places that scare us most. For that is where the greatest opportunities for joy and happiness — the true measures of success — reside!