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Thunderclap: Where social proof meets social media.

You have probably heard of crowd-funding platforms like Kickstarter. Perhaps you’ve even supported a campaign or two in the past there. I know I have. But now that concept is taken even further.

Take a look at Thunderclap, the first crowd-speaking platform that uses social media to help people be heard by saying something together.

Thunderclap harnesses the power of the crowd by using social media to automatically amplify and spread your message. Once you’ve reached your supporter goal, Thunderclap blasts out a timed Twitter, Facebook, or Tumblr post from all of your supporters, creating a wave of attention.

People are using this tool to quickly and effectively share and spread the word about their projects, products and initiatives. You can check out the variety of trending campaigns already underway here.

Have you been looking for new ways of expanding your social reach? If so, check out these case studies for inspiration and start thinking about how you can put Thunderclap to work for you and your business.

More next time. Until then, remember to LOVE YOUR WORK, whatever it may be.

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