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Social media isn’t inexpensive, it’s different expensive.

We’ve reached the point where not having an effective presence in social media can be detrimental to your business. However, far worse than not being in social media is being there without a strategy. Sadly, that’s how most businesses are doing it. And it shows.

Spray-and-pray is not a strategy. You have to put some deep thinking behind you. And then, decisions must be made. Those decisions require hard work and consistent, focused effort to yield success. Just as they would with any other marketing initiative.

When this infographic from BigThunk and Number 8 Communications was recommended for me on Pinterest, I saw an excellent summary of the key conversation you need to have with all clients you are assisting with social media projects. It illustrates four steps in developing a social media strategy:

  1. Define your goals – what do you need to accomplish?
  2. Define your metrics – how will you measure success?
  3. Decide on tactics – what will you do to achieve your goals?
  4. Execute your strategy – then use what you learn to refine your plans.

Source Credit: BigThunk, Number 8 Communications.)

More next time. Until then, remember to LOVE YOUR WORK, whatever it may be.

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