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SEO isn’t an entitlement program. It’s an ongoing and not inexpensive investment.

Unless search engine optimization (seo) is your business or you know enough about it to be able to handle all of your own needs, you have likely hired professionals to help you with this critical marketing task. The problem is many people promoting themselves as seo experts aren’t.

This means not only are you wasting your money, you could be putting your reputation, website and business at risk.

Recently, I read an article by Mark Traphagen identifying 12 signs your seo experts might not be all they claim to be. Review his list below to see if any of these experiences are familiar and check out Mark’s article for further details.

  1. The SEO expert hides what they are doing
  2. Has an inability to explain things clearly
  3. Offer guarantees that sound too good to be true
  4. Acts like SEO works in a vacuum
  5. Has too many clients
  6. Wants to automate content page creation
  7. Wants to create tons of inbound links
  8. Talks about “submissions” and “site listings”
  9. Thinks metadata is sll you need
  10. Charges prices that are insane!
  11. Prices by the link
  12. Claims to have inside information on search algorithms

More next time. Until then, remember to LOVE YOUR WORK, whatever it may be.

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