Want a different story this fiscal year end?

Working harder, doing more, being everywhere, and trying to do it all alone… is killing your business!

Dear savvy entrepreneur,

Are you looking at a sad bottom line? Feeling invisible online? Missing out on the love because you’re always second-guessing yourself, chasing bright shiny objects, and falling down rabbit holes?

Stop trying to be normal. Doing what everyone else is doing is futile. Forget about business as usual! It’s too bloody boring, any way you slice it.

It doesn’t matter if you’re building a business online, in a store, on social media, from your home, or out of the trunk of your car! To succeed in any business, in any industry, you must stand out.

And to do that, you need less talk, more action.

Do you know that …

In just one year, you can experience an awesome transformation in your business simply by holding yourself accountable and being exposed to fresh, break-out thinking that brings your sleeping genius out of hiding!

If YOU want to be in the 1% of those who succeed in business …

Do you know you can be part of a secret community of top performers, brilliant leaders, and extraordinary entrepreneurs holding themselves accountable for their own performance and business results every week?

Change your results by changing your approach

If you’ve been buying expensive courses, listening to podcasts, and joining countless groups on Facebook and LinkedIn in your efforts to build a successful business …

Do you know you can triple your results and double your time off just by focusing on the right actions for you right now?

If you are already working with a business coach …

Do you know there’s a way to use your coaching sessions to exponentially grow your confidence and expedite sales and even eliminate wasting valuable coaching time on non-productive marketing and other tasks?

These are just two (of 52+) shortcuts (and sometimes downright awesome joy hacks) to business success that I learned creating hundreds of entrepreneurial success stories over 5 decades.

I’ll tell you more about how I made the list of the top 5 entrepreneurs in the nation by age 30, went from zero to turning away clients in less than 15 months, and rose to the top of every professional field I chose to enter — even when I had no prior experience — another time. (That is, if you’re truly interested in knowing more about my own business success.) For now, let’s focus on your story and how to make it everything you want it to be.

But first you should know that, for all these years, it was my choice to remain anonymous. For the last 50 years, I’ve been working behind-the-scenes with entrepreneurial geniuses and corporate clients of all kinds while leading some of the most prevalent and culture-shifting technological advances in our world today. In fact, chances are good you interact with the results of my work every day without even knowing it!

Why listen to me?

Many of today’s business leaders you so admire and want to emulate — people like Elon Musk, the late Steve Jobs, and Ray Dalio — used my same ideas and methods to create their own business empires.

And yes, some (ok many) of my ideas and approaches are definitely not mainstream. Perhaps even a tad crazy. But, they get results. Results previously unattainable by others, many with significant credentials I didn’t have, who were hired before me. Results YOU haven’t been able to get by following your chosen gurus, buying their high ticket coaching programs, and joining elite and extremely expensive masterminds.

In fact, my results are so off-the-charts, my unusual methods have appeared in Harvard Business Review  at least twice. (Yes. My crazy ideas and off-the-wall creative approaches ARE that good.)

So, even though you might have never heard of me … and even though I’m only stepping out from behind the curtain this year for the first time, my 50-year track record creating business success stories for others (as well as myself) puts my professional expertise and wisdom, based on real-world experience, instantly at your disposal (without having to spend the hundreds of thousands of dollars my past clients have invested).

My professional legacy, SMARTSTART, has often been copied but never duplicated. Just as there is only one you … there is only one me.

I am an original thinker, a polymath, and also a positive deviant (there aren’t many of us around). This rare combination means having timeshare access to my brain is rather an exclusive, powerful (and possibly life-changing) experience. More importantly than any of that, I know how to bring out the deep genius hiding in you.

Are you ready for this?

Many entrepreneurs already know what they need to do to move their businesses forward — they just need to do more of it.

If that describes you, you might qualify for admission to my Secret Mastermind — a mastermind unlike most others out there that gets you private, direct access to my brain at an affordable price.

A mastermind so simple, it’s practically impossible to not get closer to realizing your full potential while blowing your own mind over how much you can achieve when you do the right work.

This is the ONLY opportunity to join. There is no auto-responder email sequence, pitching, or nagging. Quite frankly, it’s a simple yes-or-no  business decision, followed by fast action, if you want in.

If you’re struggling with it, you’re probably not ready to benefit from the process and should wait until you are to ensure you get the most out of it.

Here are my criteria for admission :

  • You have to have already made a dollar or two  with your business.
  • You are ready to do whatever it takes  to get more clients, sell more stuff, and keep more money.
  • You understand you must be willing to focus on the bottom line — results are measured and reported weekly (which means you must commit to making daily progress).

And here’s what you WON’T be doing :

  • Exchanging information with other members of the mastermind in private Facebook groups or in person.  (There’s no Facebook group or online community and you won’t even know who the other people in the Secret Mastermind  are.)
  • Spending time on coaching calls.  (There aren’t any and you won’t need them.)
  • Stopping work to attend meetups and spending money to travel to mastermind events.  (There’s none of that either.)

Why should you join my Secret Mastermind?

For those who don’t know me: I’m Linda Lopeke, Founder of SMARTSTART, secret weapon of many of your favourite successful and well-known entrepreneurs. Also known around the world as smartstartcoach.

I’ve spent the last 50 years helping people from all walks of life achieve their audacious goals and realize their business dreams. I’m exceptional at it.

(That didn’t happen by accident.)

For those of you who are wondering, I’ve achieved all my own business dreams and more too. I didn’t get there alone.

Neither will you.

My Secret Mastermind  is intended to be distraction free and is strictly about getting things done, not talking about or learning how to do things. It has only one purpose and a singular focus: to ensure you’re working on the right things to move yourself forward each week. That’s it. That’s all.

Here’s a short video to introduce you to my preferred client work. The whole story told in less than a minute.

By the way, I was just asked if I would grant permission for it to be shown to the attendees of Social Media Marketing World 2018 as an excellent example of how to use video marketing to take your business from click-to-cash. (That was unexpected and made me feel extra proud of it! Of course I said “Hell yes!”)

I hope you see yourself in it somewhere.

I’m inviting you to join my Secret Mastermind  if you want to have a different story to tell about your business at year end. It’s the best place to be if your income is based on results. It doesn’t matter what industry you’re in, who you serve, or how you do what you do.

It WILL work for you. But let’s be clear … it only works IF you participate. Practically speaking, it fits in seamlessly with the activities you’re already doing to attract clients, create sales, and achieve your personal and financial goals.

Here’s how my Secret Mastermind works

The rules of my Secret Mastermind  are simple:

  • You accept that you, and you alone, are responsible for your results.
  • You commit to completing just ONE single activity for each of the 52 weeks you’re in the Secret Mastermind — replying to an email in which I’ll ask you the same three questions every Friday. The rest of the time you’ll be doing your own thing, as usual.

Your reply is due by Sunday at 11:59 PM Eastern. The email has [SM] in the subject line so you can find it easily.

While the questions are always the same, the thought-provoking message in each email is fresh and different.

There might be the occasional suggestion to help expand your thinking each week. And a suggested action to take as well.

I won’t be explaining the reasoning or science behind it — you’ll simply make a gut decision as to whether or not you’ll do it. (However, in the very last email from me, #52, you’ll find a complete rundown of every crazy suggestion I made and why. At which point you just might find yourself wishing you’d been more open to experimenting with my methods.)

But this additional aspect of the Secret Mastermind  is 100% optional, whereas answering the three questions in your weekly reply back to me is not.

Here are the 3 questions:

  • Did you accomplish your one #1 task this week?
  • What is your one #1 task for next week?
  • Is there anything else you want to share with respect to your progress?

It should take you less than 10 minutes to do this weekly reporting.

No one but me sees your responses. I read every email sent in reply on Monday. I rarely respond back to you. That’s not the point or value of the Secret Mastermind.

The value is in having a structure for reporting, developing the habit of weekly accountability, and knowing you’re spending your focused time well, while improving week after week.

Join today to get an email from me every Friday for the rest of the year. The cost is just $99. There is no nagging. No pitching. No renewals. Nothing else to purchase as a “next step” or “next level up”. There are no refunds.

Just one email every Friday (for 52 weeks) that you reply to by end of day Sunday. Or not, if you’re not serious about growing your business.

Click the big red button to purchase.
It costs less than $2 and 10 minutes of your time per week.
I think you’re worth it. And I know, I am.

Let me in!

Here’s what it means to YOU if you do this …

At the end of the Secret Mastermind  cycle you’ll have:

  • Huge rewards from a small investment in your own success.
  • A record of the micro-commitments you made and metrics proving they were kept.
  • A means of clearing your mind at week’s end so you can start fresh every Monday.

It’s practically impossible for your business to not grow when you do this weekly reporting. You’ll be much more productive in every way possible.

If this is for you, you already know you want this year to be the one where you start making things happen. The only question is: Are you willing to make a small investment in holding yourself accountable for your own success?

Click the big red button to purchase.
Invest less than $2 and 10 minutes of your time per week.
Don’t spend another year burning daylight.

Let me in!

Here’s the answer to your BIG question

Why would I charge you so little for direct personal access to me and regular private correspondence?

For some, it’s all the help they need. For others, it opens their eyes to sticking points so they can be addressed in a timely manner either independently or working with a business coach of their choice.

So there you have it. One email. One year. One price. Multiple benefits.

Click the big red button to purchase.
It costs less than $2 and 10 minutes of your time per week.
It’s your choice.

Let me in!


Do you acknowledge my emails?

No. But I do read every single one of your replies. SMARTSTART is about working smarter and keeping things SIMPLE.

If/when I do respond, it will be to offer practical feedback on your current situation and share my perspective, advice, and encouragement to help you stay focused on improving results. Truly, the value is not in my acknowledgement or reply but rather in your participation in the process by responding to the weekly email I’ll send you every Friday for a year.

Can I email you in between for coaching or an extended conversation?

If you are a current private client in either the Velocity or Executive  coaching programs, yes. If you’re only in the Secret Mastermind,  then no. But this is an excellent option for those working with other coaches or who prefer to work independently for now.

What comes next when I sign up?

You’ll see a confirmation message from me in your order receipt. And the secret (private) email address to use. (Please don’t share this with others.) Then, every Friday, for the next 52 Fridays, you’ll hear from me again with the same three questions and I’ll look forward to reading your reply on Monday.

Each email from me will have an additional message to stimulate your thinking and a suggested action (possibly more than one). Following through on these is completely optional whereas answering the 3 questions in your reply is not.

In week 53 there will be absolutely nothing. We’re done. (Although you might miss hearing from me, just a little.) There are no follow-up emails offering anything else from SMARTSTART at any stage of the Secret Mastermind.

Can I cancel anytime?

Yes. And you can ignore my emails too. But both actions would be crazy as there are no refunds.

Will this work for me?

Only if you participate. Do not join the Secret Mastermind  if your success isn’t worth spending 10 minutes each week to reply to my email. Those who do join find accountability has never been this much fun!

This is the last big red button.
It’s a simple yes/no decision.
And your final opportunity to join.

Let me in!